Thursday, July 10, 2008


Portland Here We Come!!!
So Kari and I are going to Portland, OR to see Erinn this weekend! we are excited to get away and I'm excited to have my last hur-ray before Grayson arrives!!! Kari and I have never taken a trip together just us so we have decided to document every minute of it with pics and post blogs to keep the world informed!!!

Here's a picture of Kari and I in the car going to Target before our trip to get last minute things! Like a maternity swimsuit for me... which NO ONE will get a picture of!!!
Yeah for Target!
Josh took us to the airport but not without stopping at good ole Chick-fila in Castle Rock!!!
Yeah for Chick-fila!!!

1 comment:

Deb Keithley said...

you girls are crazy! I know that Erinn and dustin are going to have a blast with you this weekend!!! Love mom K