Last weekend we (Mom, Deb, and me) threw Kari a baby shower for baby Avery (due Aug. 27th) Here are some pictures from the shower.

Kari and Kari doing the first game - a diapering contest!!! Winners got a chocolate bar and a coupon for 1 hour of babysitting Avery! :)

Kari is doing clothe diapers... she was explainging how they work to the ladies :)

Mommy and Grandma!

BFFs! Avery got a onsie from me that said "I'm Taken on the front and "Just ask Grayson's mommy" on the back! Grayson got one too that said I'm taken, Just ask Avery's mommy!

Sisters! (not a fan of this pic of me but Katelin looks great!)

Kari and Kari

Mom and Katelin

Avery's presents!!!

Beautiful flowers!! and presents in the background

Kari with some teachers she used to teach with at Immanuel

Presentation is everything!

Table that the diaper changing game took place... you can see we did traditional cloth diapers, Kari's diapers, and disposables! Thanks Amanda for lending us the baby dolls! :)
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